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Roberto & Pablo Vidiella Set Designers

Roberto and Pablo Vidiella were born in 1981 and 1984       respectively, in Madrid, Spain. Since they were kids, they have always been interested in art and painting. In 2001 they both started studying architecture in Alfonso X el Sabio University and San Pablo CEU in Madrid.

They have participated in several architectural contests like 'Cátedra de cerámica Hyspalyt', others involving the  Complutense University in Madrid, the international Velux awards, and second prize in a San Pablo University contest of  'Pladur-Uralita'.

They also completed several courses of bioclimatic architecture and sustainability in La Granja, Segovia, and Autodesk 3D Studio Max, for making 3D animation modeling. Nowadays they are focusing on finishing their degrees, and also working sporadically in V.O.V Architecture Studio.

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